HubSpot and Shopware - Time for new customer experiences

webfellows Shopware HubSpot SchnittstelleIn combination unbeatably effective: Shopware as a leading shop system manufacturer is known across the country for a long time and HubSpot, the solution for CRM and progressive inbound marketing strategies, open the German market in no time at all. Benefit from this symbiotic relationship and its unlimited possibilities in your own Shopware shop. A whole new experiences.

Schnittstelle Shopware Hubspot

HubSpot Sync - the interface for Shopware

HubSpot Sync from webfellows utilizes the API from Shopware to provide all relevant data from Shopware in HubSpot. Via Cronjob you can define in which lapse of time the data is synchronized automatically. Consulting, reclamations and returns can be organized much more effective with HubSpot Sync. Because all employees of your company have the same level of information about every customer and every order.

Which data is synchronized?

Customer data

All relevant customer data from Shopware is synchronized in Hubspot as contacts.

salutation, name, surname
customer number, company
e-mail, telephone
street, postal code, city, country
Order data

Orders from Shopware are created as deals in HubSpot and assigned with the appropriate contact.

order number, order time, order items, amount
billing address with street, postcode, city, country
Shipping details

Keep track of the shipping method and shipment status of every order.

shipping method (e.g. DHL, UPS, Hermes)
shipping status (e.g. open, partially shipped)
Payment details

Which payment method was chosen and what is the current state of payment? This can be queried with HubSpot as well now.

payment method (e.g. PayPal, prepayment, invoice)
payment status (e.g. open, paid, partially paid)
Chat integration

For a direct customer communication, the HubSpot Chat will be integrated in Shopware almost automatically as well as the cookie information.

HubSpot Chat
HubSpot Chat-Bot
Cookie information
Integration forms

Via the Shopware forms, leads can be captured fully automatically and synchronized with HubSpot.

contact forms
registration forms
Individual forms

Pricing for HubSpot Sync?

In the Shopware Community Store HubSpot Sync is available for a fixed price in two versions. There are no additional costs for the number of contacts or orders

Purchase version: 299,00 Euro


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